Learn More About Your Pregnancy

Smoking During Pregnancy


Does smoking increase your baby's chance of dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?



Babies of moms who smoke during and after pregnancy are two to three times more likely to die from SIDS



Babies of moms who smoke during and after pregnancy are two to three times more likely to die from SIDS

Why stop smoking?

Quitting smoking has great health benefits for women of all ages. If you are pregnant, stop smoking now to reduce the harm to both you and your baby. 

The benefits of quitting smoking:

  • You’ll have more energy and be able to breathe easier. 
  • You’ll save money that you can spend on other things. 
  • You’ll reduce your risk of health problems. 
  • You’ll feel proud of your success. 

Good news, bad news

Bad news: Smoking cigarettes doubles a woman’s risk of bleeding too much during delivery, which can put both mom and baby in danger. 

Good news: Quitting lowers your risk of bleeding, making a better chance of a safe delivery for you and your baby. 

Bad news: Pregnant smokers are more likely to deliver their baby early. Babies born early have more serious health problems than babies born near their due date. 

Good news: If you quit smoking before or during pregnancy, you are less likely to have your baby early. 

Bad news: Babies of moms who smoke during and after pregnancy are two to three times more likely to die from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) than babies with non-smoking moms. 

Good news: When you stop smoking during pregnancy, your baby has less of a chance of dying from SIDS. 

How quitting helps your baby

Quitting smoking during pregnancy: 

  • Increases the amount of air your baby will get. 
  • Increases the chances your baby’s lungs will work well. 
  • Lowers the risk of your baby having birth defects. 
  • Lowers the risk that your baby will be born too early. 
  • Increases your chances of having a normal-weight, healthy baby. 
  • Increases the chances your baby will come home from the hospital with you. 

Tips to stay nicotine-free

Beating an addiction to nicotine takes a lot of willpower and determination. You should feel great about yourself for making it so far. Now it is time to focus on sticking with it. 

Keep your guard up

Your body has already changed since you began to smoke. Your brain has learned to crave nicotine, and certain places, people, or events can trigger a strong urge to smoke, even years after quitting. 

After you’ve quit, the urge to smoke often hits at the same times of day as when you smoked. For many people, the hardest place to resist the urge is at home. And many urges hit when someone else is smoking nearby. 

Stay upbeat

As you go through the first days and weeks without smoking, keep a positive outlook. Don’t blame or punish yourself if you do have a cigarette. Don’t think of smoking as “all or none.” Instead, take it one day at a time. Remember that quitting is a learning process. 

Reward yourself for not smoking

Now that you aren’t buying cigarettes, you probably have more spending money. Think about starting a “money jar.” Put your cigarette money aside for each day you don’t smoke. Soon you’ll have enough money to buy a reward for yourself.